97 966 090
+59897 966 090
97 966 090
+59897 966 090
Tibau do sul, Brazil

Tibau do sul, Brazil

Tibau do sul Brazil

Tibau do Sul is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the Northeast region of Brazil. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • Chapadão de Pipa. Corresponds to the plateau dividing the Amor and Minas beaches, that offers wonderful views of the surrounding beaches. • Lagoa de Guaraíras. • Tibau do Sul. The northmost beach of the municipality, located at the Tibau do Sul village, offering tranquility and some options to eat and drink. • Giz / Bóia. • Cacimbinhas. Long beach surrounded by cliffs that offer a magnificent view of the coast and of the Guaraíras lagoon. • Pipa. The central beach of Pipa, located at the village of the same name.
Recommended airport
Presidente Castro Pinto (JPA)
Nearby destinations
  • Pipa a 6.66 km
  • Natal a 46.44 km
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